Friday, February 24, 2017

how to install pixiewps on linux

hii guys.....~!
today i'm gonne show you how to install pixiewps on linux

Pixiewps is a tool written in C used to bruteforce offline the WPS pin exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of some Access Points, the so-called "pixie dust attack" discovered by Dominique Bongard in summer 2014. It is meant for educational purposes only.

to install pixiewps you gonna need some Requirements

you gonne need to install reaver from here
and this package

apt-get -y install build-essential

now Download pixiewps from github
 git clone
wget && unzip

then lit's Build it

cd pixiewps*/
cd src/

now install it with root user

sudo make install

for Usage

Usage: pixiewps <arguments>

Required Arguments:

  -e, --pke         : Enrollee public key
  -r, --pkr         : Registrar public key
  -s, --e-hash1     : Enrollee hash 1
  -z, --e-hash2     : Enrollee hash 2
  -a, --authkey     : Authentication session key
  -n, --e-nonce     : Enrollee nonce

Optional Arguments:

  -m, --r-nonce     : Registrar nonce
  -b, --e-bssid     : Enrollee BSSID
  -S, --dh-small    : Small Diffie-Hellman keys (PKr not needed)  [No]
  -v, --verbosity   : Verbosity level 1-3, 1 is quietest           [3]

  -h                : Display this usage screen
  --help            : Verbose help and more usage examples
  -V, --version     : Display version

  --mode N[,... N]  : Mode selection, comma separated           [Auto]
  --start [mm/]yyyy : Starting date (only mode 3)       [Current time]
  --end   [mm/]yyyy : Ending date   (only mode 3)            [-3 days]


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